Patti's Preschool Newsletter, June 2017

We’re starting the month of June by exploring the world of creative art. Watch for some amazing creations by your Lil’ Picasso. John Abrams will bring his Animal Magic Show (with live exotic pets!) to school on Wednesday, June 7, at 10:30 a.m. Our theme at the end of the month will be America the Beautiful. We’ll show our patriotism during the week of June 26 with lots of fun crafts including handmade flags and hats! On Wednesday, June 28, musician Dan Crow will be here to perform a “Patriotic Sing Along.” We’re looking forward to a visit from our favorite puppeteer, Franklin Haynes, on Thursday, June 29 who will be presenting “Frankie’s 4th of July” marionette show. We’ve attached a copy of our summer themes so take a look at all the exciting events we have planned!
Scholastic book orders are due on Friday morning, June 9. This will be our last book order for the school year and we’ll offer them again starting next September. Please make book order checks out to Patti’s Preschool or you can easily order online using our class code GW3RF.

Celebrating birthdays this month are Hattie, Scarlett B., Katia, Hudson G., James, Noa, Sean, Isabella, Egan, Klarissa, Arjan, Jax, Drake, Garrett, and Parker. Our Spanish teacher, Lietta, is also celebrating her birthday this month. We hope everyone has a very special day!
Amy Prieto & Gianna DiGiovanni are celebrating their anniversaries this month! Please let them know you appreciate their hard work!
Please join in the fun on Saturday, June 17, 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., for the Walk the Farm event at Tanaka Farms in Irvine. Help raise money for the Japanese farmers whose farms were destroyed in the 2011 earthquake. Patti’s Preschool made a donation to be a Crop Sponsor so remember to look for our sign in one of the fields! Please click here for more information.
Many, many thanks to all the thoughtful parents who treated us to so many yummy doughnuts, coffee, tacos, fabulous gifts, flowers, and cards during Teacher Appreciation Week. You made it a special week for all of us at Patti’s Preschool!

We will be closed on Friday, June 23, for Teacher Prep Day. We will be busy getting ready for our summer session which begins on Monday, June 26. Your child will move to his/her new classroom on that day. Our summer rosters will be posted in front of the school on Monday, June 19. Please remember that your child will be in the new class for the summer and then move up again in September.
We’d like to introduce you to two of our substitute teachers, Catherine Garay and Sandrae Ashurst. You might see Catherine or Sandrae in your child’s classroom as they will be filling in for teachers during their summer vacations. We trust your child will be in good hands with Catherine and Sandrae!
Thank you to Teresa Comins for the CD player donation for Room 2. We love all the toys Lorrie Nickols gave to us. The magnetic letters Brinda Singh brought in are big hit in the classroom. Jenny Sullivan donated books, toys, and a pony castle that our students are very excited about. We love the cars, dress-up clothes, and kinetic sand that Erica Zuniga gave to us. We appreciate all the thoughtful donations!
New carpet will be installed in Rooms 1, 2, and 5 on Saturday, June 17. Maintaining our facility is important to us and we know the children will enjoy playing on the brand new carpet!
We love our Patti’s Preschool dads so we’d like to wish all of you a very happy Father’s Day!