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Patti's Preschool Newsletter, July 2021

We’re starting off the month of July celebrating America the Beautiful during the week of June 29 with lots of exciting activities Please have your child wear patriotic clothing to school on July 1 for our 4th of July parades on the playground. During the week of July 5 and 12, we will be learning all about the animal world. We can’t wait for the petting zoo on July 8th! The following week, our theme is STEM and our staff will introduce hands-on math and science projects. Mad Science will present a workshop about “Wiggly Worms.” We’re ending the month studying about reptiles and are looking forward to a visit with Thor’s Reptile Family.

Celebrating birthdays this month are Kayden, Justin, Annabelle, Lilah, Lorelei, Laura, and Lucy. We hope everyone has fun celebrating!

Ms. Lauren is celebrating her 3-year anniversary at Patti’s Preschool this month! We are excited that Ms. Lauren has the opportunity to take over her own classroom. We appreciate our wonderful teachers!

We are pleased to announce the addition of new staff members, Lulu Esquivel and Leicy Andrade. Ms. Celeste is moving to Wisconsin and Ms. Lulu is our new kitchen supervisor. Ms. Leicy is our break person/afternoon teacher. Our support team is very important to us and we are delighted to welcome both of them to Patti’s Preschool!

We will be closed on Monday, July 5, to celebrate the 4th of July weekend. We hope you have a happy and safe holiday!

We would like to welcome our new students and families. We look forward to getting to know you! We always strive to make this an easy transition for you and your family. Please feel free to pick up a free copy of our brochure, “So Many Goodbyes.” It offers useful suggestions to help make the transition from home to preschool easier on children and parents.

Fall registration sign-up forms will go home Monday, July 12th and must be returned no later than Friday, July 16th, to reserve a space for your child! We cannot guarantee a spot if the signed sheet is not returned by that date.

Our teachers will be taking their annual vacations over the summer months. Someone from our regular staff or one of our qualified substitutes will cover for them while they are gone. Your child’s teacher will notify you and your child in advance. Also, please alert the front office if you have planned a family vacation so we we’re aware your child will be absent.

Our staff was spoiled by many generous families before summer camp started. Our break room was filled with bagels, doughnuts, cupcakes, coffee, and an incredible lunch from Stonefire Grill. We are so grateful for our warm-hearted parents!

Ms. Pam’s and her students were overjoyed to receive 2 milkweed plants from Laurel and Adam Elmore. The class planted it in our school garden and were amazed when monarch caterpillars began appearing. This has become a terrific science project and Ms. Pam’s students are learning about the importance of protecting the habitat for the survival of monarchs. They carefully water the plants without disturbing the caterpillars (and remind each other to “be careful!”)Thank you, Elmore family!

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