Patti's Preschool Newsletter, October 2021

Our October themes are Our Five Senses and Halloween. The children will be learning about sight, smell, sound, taste, and touch. They will be making texture collages, tasting different foods, going on observation walks, and learning new songs about listening. We will also be planning lots of fun Halloween projects like carving pumpkins and making pumpkin seed pictures.
Scholastic book orders are due Friday morning, October 8. You may order online using our class code GW3RF. Your book purchases help us add free books to our school library.

Celebrating birthdays this month are Rhett, Everly W., Riley, Mia, Nanette, Enzo P., Graham, Miya, and Isla H. We hope everyone enjoys their special day! Ms. Tanya is celebrating her 4 year anniversary at Patti’s. Please join us in congratulating her on her hard work and dedication to teaching our youngest preschoolers! Ms. Alexa is celebrating her 2-year anniversary and we are grateful for her welcoming spirit and extra effort in the front office. We’d like to welcome two new staff members to our team. Ms. Shondra has joined Room 1 as Ms. Tanya’s co-teacher and Ms. Salma is teaching in Room 2 after Ms. Cathy leaves at 2:30pm. We are also pleased to announce the addition of Betty Yang to our sub list. Hooray for new teachers!
Patti’s Preschool will participate in the Great California ShakeOut on October 21 at 10:21am. We are joining millions of Californians in the state’s largest earthquake drill ever! We are practicing “Drop, Cover, and Hold On” with all our students before the big day.

Since Halloween festivities will be different this year, we are planning two costume days. Our annual Halloween parties will be on Thursday, October 28, and Friday, October 29. If your child attends school 5 days a week, he/she may wear a costume on both days. If your child attends full day, please send a change of clothing as we plan on having children change after lunch. If your child attends our half-day program, he/she will remain in costume until pick-up. Our staff has planned fun activities in the classroom and on the playground. We will also be serving a special Halloween snack both days. In the past, we have always invited parents to join us for our Halloween party. Unfortunately, due to the pandemic, we are unable to do so this year. We promise to post lots of photos on our Facebook page!
If bedtime in your home is filled with noise and drama provided by a little person living with you, I’d like to recommend story time podcasts. Little Stories for Tiny People is something for young and old alike. Little Bedtime Stories is another one that is sure to put your little tyke to sleep. I also like Be Calm on Ahway Island because it begins with a guided meditation along with a positive message (something we can all use these days!). And please try Stories Podcast/A Children’s Story Podcast for Bedtime. You and your child will be hooked by the new story told every week. The stories range from retellings of fairy tales like Snow White to classic stories like Peter Rabbit. Trust me, bedtime will be much calmer after you turn on a podcast!
We are very grateful to Nedi and Stuart John for donating playdough and a stacking block set. Fun for all ages! Many thanks to Roxane and Mark Bennett for the newspaper and card game. The coloring books from Stacy and Joe Wilton were a big hit. Thank you, parents!