Patti's Preschool Newsletter, October 2016

Our October themes are Our Five Senses and Halloween. The children will be learning about sight, smell, sound, taste, and touch. They will be making texture collages, tasting different foods, going on observation walks, and learning new songs about listening. We will also be planning lots of fun Halloween projects like carving pumpkins and making pumpkin seed pictures.
Scholastic book orders are due Friday morning, October 14. Please make your check payable to Patti’s Preschool. You may also order online using our class code GW3RF. Your book purchases help us add free books to our school library.

On Thursday, October 27, Patti’s Preschool will be participating in Jumpstart’s Read for the Record campaign sponsored by the Children & Families Commission of Orange County’s Early Literacy Program. We will be bringing national awareness to the importance of promoting literacy in early childhood education. Parents, we’d love to have you sign up to read The Bear Ate Your Sandwich by Julia Sarcone-Roach to your child’s class. Sign-up sheets will be posted on the cubbies in each classroom. By getting involved, you will help us break the world record for the largest shared reading experience ever! For more information about Read for the Record click here or go to
We will kick-off our Gourmet Popcorn fundraiser on Monday, October 3. Orders are due by Friday, October 14 and will be delivered in just a couple weeks! We are raising money to help pay for our educational visitors. Thanks for participating!
Celebrating birthdays this month are Izabella, Alice, Nikita, Charlotte, Timothy, Kameryn, Maya, Sadie, Darian, Soren, Sawyer, Casen, Clara, Scarlett, Joshua, Katherine, Desirae, and Madilyn. Ms. Caroline is also having a birthday. We hope everyone enjoys their special day!
Our Administrative Director, Vesselin, and our substitute teacher, Sandrae, are celebrating their anniversaries this month at Patti’s Preschool. Please help him them feel special by congratulating them!

Our annual Halloween party will be on Monday, October 31, from 10:00 to 11:45 a.m. We will have many fun activities on the playground and the children may wear costumes. If your child doesn’t normally attend school on Fridays, please feel free to bring him/her. We will need you to stay during the party so we can comply with the state mandated teacher-children ratio. We also need parent volunteers to help supervise the activities so please sign up in your child’s classroom if you are available. If you’d like to send something for your child’s classmates, we recommend a goody bag with stickers, small toys, pencils or crayons, and wrapped candy. We can also use some items for our party and would appreciate any donations. Wish lists will be posted by the attendance sheets.
We would like to thank Jennifer and Marshall Moncrief for their generous donation of hula hoops, stands, and balance pods for the playground. All the students are thoroughly enjoying the new activities which are helping develop large motor muscles! The tool bench, trucks, and alphabet and number magnets the Zuniga Family donated are a great addition to the classroom and playground. Thank you, everyone!