Patti's Preschool Newsletter, March 2018

Our theme this month is Animals –Zoo, Circus, Jungle, Farm, and Pets. The children will be learning about the characteristics and habitats of animals. Some of our projects will include animal masks, puppets, animal collages, and zoo animal cages. We will also celebrate Dr. Seuss’ birthday during the last week of February and the first week of March. We will make green eggs and ham and Dr. Seuss hats. Our favorite Dr. Seuss books will be read throughout the week.
Sign-up forms for summer enrollment will be sent home on Monday, March 5. Please pick your desired schedule and return to the front office. In order to reserve a space for your child, the deadline for turning in the form is Friday, March 9.
We’re looking forward to our Playful Puppy Program on Wednesday, March 7, from 10:00 to 12:00. A little pen will be set up where the children get to sit down to hold Maltese, Mini Doxies, Westies, Toy Poodles, and Pugs. These purebred puppies are sweet, playful, and perfectly harmless!
Book orders are due Friday morning, March 9. Please make your check payable to Patti’s Preschool. You may also order books online. Please see Amy or Caroline to find out the procedure.
Reminder: Have your child wear something green on Friday, March 16, for St. Patrick’s Day!
Parent/teacher conferences will continue through the month of April. Evaluations will be sent home prior to conference dates. Conferences are not mandatory but you may sign up if you would like to meet with your child’s teacher. Sign-up sheets will be posted in the classrooms. Since conferences are for parents only, we would appreciate it if you made childcare arrangements.
Ms. Rowana is celebrating her 4th anniversary at Patti’s! She is an important addition to our staff. Congratulations, Rowana!

We’re having a petting zoo at school on Thursday, March 29, from 10:00-12:00. Happy Hooves will set up a little pen on our playground and the children will have an opportunity to interact with a mini sheep, a mini pig, pygmy goats, rabbits, hens, and a mini rooster. All the animals are very friendly and used to being around kids. If your child normally doesn’t attend school on Thursdays, please feel free to bring him/her to experience the zoo. (We will need you to stay with your child.) Watch for cute photos on our Facebook page!
Celebrating birthdays this month are, Sophia L., Soleil, Tristyn, Junia, Ollie, and Max. Also celebrating this month is Ms. Cathy and Ms. Daisy. Happy Birthday to everyone!
Our Valentine’s Day party was a big success thanks to all the parents who donated items and came to help. We appreciate our thoughtful parents!

We are grateful to Betty Yang for doing a presentation on Chinese New Year. Betty is a substitute teacher in our local school district so we feel lucky to have her come to our school! Special thanks to Christy Morley for her dental presentation to the students in Room 6. Thank you to Juleah Walsh and Katherine Buerkle for their donation of puzzles. Thank you, one and all!
March is National Nutrition Month! The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics urges everyone to start small – one forkful at a time, and "Go Further with Food." Food, nutrition and eating skills are among the most important things you can share with children — food to fuel busy, successful lives, nutrition to nourish strong bodies and smart brains, and eating skills to enjoy the social aspect of meals with family and friends. Look for more helpful information at
School Closed Friday, March 30 to give our staff extra time with family over Easter weekend