Patti's Preschool Newsletter, April 2019

Our theme this month is springtime. Our lesson plans will focus on planting and growing. We will be working in the garden on our playground as well as doing planting projects in the classroom. The children will also be learning about spring weather and the life cycle of plants and animals. Each classroom has butterfly larvae so the children will learn all about metamorphosis. They will see the caterpillars transition into chrysalides and emerge as butterflies!
Book orders are due on Friday morning, April 12. Please make your check payable to Patti’s Preschool. One check is sufficient for multiple orders. You can also order online using our class code GW3RF. Please click here to create your account. We receive free books for our classrooms with your order!
Celebrating birthdays this month are Bailey S., Grayson, Cayden, Parker, Hudson Go., Everly, Shae, and Donovan. Ms. Ashley, Ms. Lauren, and our Administrative Director, Vesselin Iankov, are celebrating this month also. Our music teacher, Vanessa Ceballos has a birthday in April as well. We hope everyone has a memorable day!
Our Stepping-Up teacher, Donna Zawicki, is celebrating her 12 year of teaching at Patti’s. Our teaching assistant, Faith Smith, has been teaching here for 8 years. Sandy Garay is celebrating her 1 year at Patti’s! Happy anniversary to Ms. Donna, Ms. Faith, and Ms. Sandy!

School will be closed on Friday, April 19 to give staff extra time to spend with family. If your child is taking additional time off for spring break, please give us a call or leave a note with your child’s teacher. Thank you!
Our Spring Fundraiser will start on Monday, April 1st. We will be selling Gourmet Popcorn again this year from Double Good. An order form will be sent home with your child and the orders will be due by Monday, April 15th. You may pay by cash, credit card or check payable to Patti’s Preschool. This year we will be using the funds raised to help pay for our summer educational guests. Some of the fun guests we have already booked are Thor’s Reptile Family, Storyteller Ms. Mary-Pat, Bubblemania and Co., and Snow White. It’s going to be the best summer camp ever!
Mark your calendar! Open House is coming in May. We will have it on 3 separate nights from 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. - May 20 (Rooms 2 and 6), May 22 (Rooms 1 and 5), and May 23 (Rooms 3 and 4). Your child will want to show you all the work he or she has completed this year. Please bring the family!
We will wrap up parent/teacher conferences this month. Evaluations will be sent home prior to conference dates. Sign-up sheets will be posted in the classrooms so you can find a convenient time if you would like to meet with your child’s teacher.
Our classroom aide, Ms. Faith, has decided to change careers and will be leaving in April. We are grateful for the love and attention she has given our students and wish her all the best in the future. We are pleased to announce that our wonderful kitchen supervisor, Celeste Plummer, is returning to her position. Ms. Darcie will be moving to Room 6 as an aide to Ms. Pam and Ms. Monique. She will also be subbing for other staff members who are going on vacation this summer. The new aide in Room 1 will be Ms. Daisy who will work with Ms. Tanya and Ms. Sandy.

Ms. Caroline will be going out on maternity leave in May. Ms. Allison is taking over her duties and Ms. Aisling along with Ms. Katelynne will be assisting her. We are excited about the arrival of Ms. Caroline’s baby girl and can’t wait to meet her bundle of joy!