Patti's Preschool Newsletter, July 2019

We’re starting off the month of July celebrating America The Beautiful on July 3 with lots of exciting activities including a sing-a-long with Dan Crow! Please have your child wear patriotic clothing to school that day. Starting July 8, our theme is Sensory, Cooking, Storytelling week and our guest is storyteller Miss Mary-Pat on July 10. The following week, our theme is STEM and our guests include Mad Science with a presentation on Space Frontiers. We are looking forward to a spectacular bubble show with Bubblemania. Next up we’ll learn about Insects, Spiders, and Reptiles. We can’t wait to see Thor’s Reptile Family and Sean from Education Through Nature will bring lots of interesting insects. We’ll also get to participate in a fun Habitat Hike with the Environmental Nature Center. During Music Week we are looking forward to welcoming Princess Elsa!
Parents, please let us know if you are planning a vacation this summer and leave the dates at the front desk. Our program runs more efficiently if we have an accurate head count each day!
Celebrating birthdays this month are Kayden, Simon, Brayden, Zoe, Jake, Ayla, Laura, and Finley! We hope everyone has fun celebrating!
Ms. Lauren is celebrating her 1 year anniversary at Patti’s Preschool this month! Ms. Ashley is celebrating her 2 year anniversary and Ms. Aisling is celebrating her 6 year anniversary! We appreciate our wonderful teachers!

We will be closed on Thursday, July 4th and Friday, July 5th. We hope you have a happy and safe holiday!
We would like to welcome our new students and families. We look forward to getting to know you! We always strive to make this an easy transition for you and your family. Please feel free to pick up a free copy of our brochure, “So Many Goodbyes.” It offers useful suggestions to help make the transition from home to preschool easier on children and parents.
Fall registration sign-up forms will go home Monday, July 8 and must be returned no later than Friday, July 12, to reserve a space for your child! We cannot guarantee a spot if the signed sheet is not returned by that date.
Our teachers will be taking their annual vacations over the summer months. Someone from our regular staff or one of our qualified substitutes will cover for them while they are gone. Your child’s teacher will notify you and your child in advance.

We would like to thank the Yang family for providing a yummy breakfast and the Vail, Jenson, Walsh, Smith, Spehar, Aguinaga, and Oza families for treating our staff to a delicious catered lunch during Teacher Prep Day. We are grateful to the Spehar Family who donated classroom borders and pencil boxes and the Hoover family for the generous donation of colored construction paper. We have the most generous, thoughtful parents at Patti’s Preschool!
If you’re interested in reading a helpful parenting book on discipline, Patti recommends NO DRAMA DISCIPLINE: THE WHOLE-BRAIN WAY TO CALM THE CHAOS AND NURTURE YOUR CHILD’S DEVELOPING MIND by Daniel Siegel and Tina Bryson. Learn effective ways to deal with tantrums and tears with insight and empathy. A wonderful book for struggling parents!