Patti's Preschool Newsletter, December 2019

Scholastic book orders are due on Friday morning, December 6. Please make your check payable to Patti’s Preschool or you can easily order online using our class code GW3RF. We also accept credit cards and cash for book orders.
Celebrating birthdays this month are, Bowie, Leah, Andi, Ciana, Brianna, Nico, Paolo, Avery B., Layla, Cadence, Brooklyn B., Valentin, and Camden. Three of our staff members – Patti, Annie, and Susan are also celebrating. It will be a fun birthday month!
Mrs. Allison is celebrating her 4 year-anniversary and Ms. Catherine is celebrating her 3 year-anniversary of teaching at Patti’s Preschool! We are grateful for their hard work and dedication!
We appreciate the thoughtful, generous parents who brought desserts and paper products for our Thanksgiving feast. The children enjoyed their special treats!
We will start using a new version of the daily activity logs starting on January 6, 2020. We have simplified the forms to make it more streamlined for teachers to complete them. This will allow more time for staff to prepare lesson plans, document children’s progress, and decorate classroom walls with children’s artwork.
The Elks Preschool Vision Screening Program will be here at school on December 4 and 5 to perform free vision screenings. An email was sent out with details of the screening, as well as general information. If you do NOT want your child to participate, please alert the front office. You will be contacted if a follow-up appointment with a pediatric ophthalmologist is recommended.
Please remember to tell Allison, Alexa, or your child’s teacher if your child will be absent for an extended period of time during the month of December. Thank you!
We would like to thank the Simoni family for their donation of newspaper. We can always use it for various projects in the classrooms and are so appreciative of our thoughtful families. We would also like to thank the Clark family for their donation of children’s clothing. It is always helpful to have those items on hand!
We will have pajama days on December 23 and 24. Children may wear their pajamas to school on those days.
Please remember that we will be closing at 3:00pm on Tuesday, December 24, in order for staff to spend extra time with family. School will be closed from December 25 through January 1. (Tuition is not charged for the week of December 23.) Our winter session will start on Thursday, January 2, 2020. Happy holidays from all of us at Patti’s Preschool!