Patti's Preschool Newsletter, January 2024

Our January theme is Health, Safety, and Nutrition. We will focus on school rules, nutritious foods, and ways to stay healthy. Lesson plans will include cooking projects, safety sign pictures, and nutritious food collages. Our staff has also incorporated movement games and activities to keep our students moving each day. Besides enhancing brain development, promoting active play is a good way to keep our kids healthy. Your child may come home and tell you all about participating in Alphabet Yoga or playing Mark the Spot! We will also learn about the winter season so watch for some fun winter projects to come home!
Book orders are due Friday morning, January 12. If you would like to order online, find out how from Sandy or Megan! Our school receives free books with each parent order so thank you for participating.

Celebrating birthdays this month are Axel, Chase, Damla, Aaron, Cayden, and Rylan. We hope our students have a fun celebration!
Two of our incredible staff members, Vicky Palacios and Catherine Garay are also celebrating their birthdays. Happy birthday to all our friends!
Summer enrollment forms will go home on Monday, January 8 and are due on Friday, January 12. Please drop off your completed form at the front desk or email a copy to the school. Thank you!
Your tuition statement for the 2023 school year will be sent home the week of January 22. Please save this form for your income taxes.
Our administrative assistant, Ms. Megan, will be celebrating her four-year work anniversary and our wonderful teacher, Ms. Tammy, will be celebrating her two-year work anniversary! We encourage you to thank our dedicated, conscientious employees for their commitment to our students and families.

We will be closed on Monday, January 15th, for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.
Our staff feasted on a delicious lunch from Stone Fire Grill, courtesy of Sam and Victor Nguyen. The mouthwatering tri-tip, chicken, and sides were piled high on our plates. Our staff also enjoyed a healthy, delicious yogurt breakfast bar set up by Jennifer and Joe Eitel! Thank you, Nguyens and Eitels, for the thoughtful treat!
We are also grateful for all the generous parents who sent in holiday gifts for staff. You spoiled us!
We would like to thank all the parents who brought in items for special classroom projects in December. The children had so much fun celebrating the holidays with their classmates.

School will be closing at 5pm on Thursday, January 25th. We will be having our annual staff holiday party! We cannot wait to spend quality time together and share some laughs! We appreciate your support!
Parent/teacher conferences for Jennifer’s class will be held during the week of February 5. Conferences for Pam’s class will take place starting on February 12. Susan will meet with her children’s parents during the week of February 20. Catherine will hold conferences during the week of February 26. Conferences for all classes will continue through mid-April. Our annual calendar (which can be accessed online on our web site) lists all of the conference dates. We will send home your child’s evaluation prior to the conference date. If you have any questions regarding the information you may sign up for a conference over the phone or in person. Sign-up sheets will be posted in the classrooms. Conferences are optional, not mandatory.