Patti's Preschool Newsletter, July 2023

We’re starting off the month of July celebrating America the Beautiful. Please have your child wear patriotic clothing to school on July 6 for our 4th of July parade on the playground. During the week of July 10, we will be learning all about the animal world. We’ll encounter real live animals when we go on a Habitat Hike with the Environmental Nature Center on July 12. Our activities will be centered around reptiles during the week of July 17. We can’t wait for a visit from Thor’s Reptile Family on July 20. The following week, our STEM theme will spark interest when our staff introduces hands-on math and science projects. Bubblemania will entertain us on July 26 with an interactive bubble show. We’re looking forward to lots of summer fun at Patti’s!
Celebrating birthdays this month are Hailee, Elizabeth L., Hazel, Faye, Miles, Alexis, Jane, and Koelle. Three of our staff members – Ms. Tammy, Ms. Shondra, and Ms. Emma - are also having July birthdays. We hope everyone has a memorable day!
Ms. Lauren is celebrating her 5-year anniversary at Patti’s Preschool this month! Ms. Lauren makes an effort to prepare her students in all areas and she knows how to make learning fun! We are lucky to have Ms. Lauren on our staff.
Our Room 6 teacher, Ms. Susan, will be on medical leave from June 26 through September 26. You’ll be seeing her substitute, Ms. Emma, in the classroom along with Ms. Pam. Ms. Susan will be missed and we look forward to having her back in October.
We will be closed on Tuesday, July 4, to celebrate Independence Day. We hope you have a happy and safe holiday!

We would like to welcome our new students and families. We look forward to getting to know you! We always strive to make this an easy transition for your family. Please feel free to stop by the front desk or call the school if you have any questions!

Fall registration sign-up forms have been sent home and must be returned no later than Friday, July 7th, to reserve a space for your child! We cannot guarantee a spot if the signed sheet is not returned by that date.
Our teachers will be taking their annual vacations over the summer months. Someone from our regular staff or one of our qualified substitutes will cover for them while they are gone. Your child’s teacher will notify you and your child in advance. Also, please alert the front office if you have planned a family vacation so we’re aware your child will be absent.

The amazing turnout of parents made our end-of-year family picnics a huge success. Our students were delighted to have their parents join them for lunch on the playground. Thank you to all for making it so festive and fun. We’re going to make it an annual event!
The book donation from Taylor and Giancarlo Spolidoro was greatly appreciated. We love used books! Thank you to Shawna and Scott Wheeler for bringing in the children’s clothing. Spare clothes always come in handy. The numerous toys from Lauren and Christian Pasca have been shared throughout the school. Thank you to our generous parents!