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Patti's Preschool Newsletter, June 2024

Summer camp is just around the corner (starting Monday, June 24) and we can’t wait for all our fun activities and special guests. Our summer themes are posted here, so take a look at all the exciting events we have planned! We have several educational guests booked to tie in with our weekly themes!

We want to finish off the school year by celebrating with pizza lunches for our graduating students in Room 3, 5, and 6 on June 5 and 6. For our younger students, we’re planning some surprise activities before summer camp starts. Look for an update on ClassDojo!

Scholastic book orders are due on Friday morning, June 7. This will be our last book order for the school year and we’ll offer them again starting next September. Please visit our school book club at to place your orders.  Please see the front office for more information! We receive points for classroom supplies with every order!

Celebrating birthdays this month are August Z., Rylee, Ryder, Blaze, Nicole, Zoey N., Aden, Zoey G., Sofia Ru., Theo, EmmyLou, Madison Ng., Luciana, Valentina, Ettie, Madison Na., Penelope, Ariana, and GiGi. We hope everyone has a very special day! 

Many, many thanks to all the thoughtful parents who treated us to so many yummy treats like doughnuts, coffee, bagels, strawberry pastries, fabulous gifts, flowers, and cards during Teacher Appreciation Week. We are so thankful for your kind, considerate gestures. You made it a special week for all of us at Patti’s Preschool!

We love our Patti’s Preschool dads so we’d like to wish all of you a very happy Father’s Day! 


Ms. Sue is celebrating her 6-year anniversary this month! She is always willing to help out with the kindest smile! Please let her know you appreciate her hard work!

Thank you to Megan and Michael Kravets for donating coloring books for Room 6! The class also appreciated the spring books written by one our favorite authors, Eric Carle, from Suzanne Medeiros and Ryan Schomberg! We are so grateful to our families!

We are looking forward to a concert with famous children’s singer, Dan Crow, on Friday, June 14. He is best known for performing the theme song (“Walk Outside”) of the movie, “The Adventures of Milo and Otis,” but also composed many Disney songs, most significantly for Welcome to Pooh Corner and Dumbo’s Circus. Dan has been entertaining children at Patti’s Preschool since the 80’s and we feel honored that he continues to sing for us!


Many thanks to Sheva and Bradon Fiege for generously funding our next end of the year guest, Kona Shaved Ice! The Kona Truck will be parked outside our school on Tuesday, June 18th! This will surely put a smile on everyone’s face! We sincerely appreciate the Fiege Family for their warm-hearted gesture!


We will be closed on Friday, June 21, for Teacher Prep Day.  We will be busy getting ready for our summer session which begins on Monday, June 24. Your child will move to his/her new classroom on that day.  Our summer rosters will be posted in front of the school on Friday, June 14. Please remember that your child will be in the new class for the summer and then move up again in September.    


School will be closed on Wednesday, June 19, in honor of Juneteenth National Holiday.

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