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Patti's Preschool Newsletter, May 2021

This month our theme is “Children’s Literature.” We will be reading a variety of books and telling flannel board stories each day. To expand on our literature, we will be centering activities around the theme of each book or story. This will provide many experiences in language development, fine motor skills, math and science, music and dramatic play. We will also be working on special projects for Mother’s Day and Memorial Day.

Celebrating birthdays this month are Ethan K, Matthew, Beverly, Braden, Beau, and Leilani. We hope everyone has a wonderful birthday! Our assistant, Ms. Megan, is also celebrating her birthday this month. Help us wish her a very happy birthday!

The week of May 3 is Teacher Appreciation Week. Our staff is committed to providing the best child care and we strive to prepare each child for a successful school career. Ms. Alexa sent an email to our families with several suggestions to show your child’s teacher how much she is appreciated. We hope you find the ideas helpful!

Book orders are due Friday, May 14. Go to to place your order. Our class code is GW3RF. Please see the front office for more information! We receive points for classroom supplies with every order!

Grad photos will be taken on May 18 and 19! Our pre-k graduates from Room 3, 5, and 6 are looking forward to celebrating their accomplishments with pizza lunches and some fun activities next month.

Mother’s Day is May 9!

Happy Mother’s Day to all of the amazing mothers at our school!

Two of our teachers, Cathy Woolpert and Susan Drake will be celebrating their anniversaries this month. Cathy (17 years) and Susan (5 years) take pride in their careers as educators. We feel lucky to have them at Patti’s Preschool!

Our Spring Fundraiser will kicked off on Monday, April 26th. We are selling Gourmet Popcorn again this year from Double Good. An order form was sent home with your child and the orders will be due by Friday May 7th. You may pay by cash, credit card or check payable to Patti’s Preschool. This year we will be using the funds raised to help pay for our summer educational guests. Some of the fun guests we have already booked are Thor’s Reptile Family, a petting zoo with farm animals, Mad Science, a puppy petting party, and pony rides. It’s going to be the best summer camp ever!

The children in Ms. Cathy’s class really enjoyed the opportunity to see a live box turtle. It was a great learning experience, thanks to Kristen Stewart. Many thanks to Anthony Mercado for his donation of Earth Day projects. They were perfect for our preschool age group! We are grateful to Nedi and Stuart John for buying Room 4 a mushroom growing kit. The children in Ms. Annie’s and Ms. Rowana’s class are spraying it every day and waiting patiently for it to grow. The chalk from Emily Thurber and Daniel Castro is perfect for drawing on the playground cement. The donation of yarn and crafts from Krista and Steve Richardson are being put to good use. Thank you to all of our thoughtful parents!

Parents/guardians are now allowed to come inside in the morning to sign-in and drop off their children in the classrooms. Please use the fingerprint scanner to sign your child in and out. (The attendance sheets will no longer be used.) If your fingerprint has not been registered, please see Alexa or Megan at the front desk!

We will be closed on Monday, May 31, for Memorial Day


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