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Patti's Preschool Newsletter, November 2022

Our November theme is All About Families. Our lesson plans will include finger plays, songs, books, and flannel board stories about families. The children will be making family trees, special family books, and family graphs. Thanksgiving is also part of our November theme so watch for some fun Thanksgiving Day projects.

Scholastic book orders are due on Friday morning, November 11. Ordering online ( is easy using our class code: GW3RF. We receive free books and classroom supplies for the school with every parent order placed. Please see the front office if you have any questions. Thanks for ordering!

We are looking forward to our Thanksgiving feast on Tuesday, November 22, and Wednesday, November 23. We are asking parents to send a dessert or paper products (plates, napkins) for the feast. Sign-up sheets will be posted on ClassDojo. Please send a lunch for your child if he/she doesn’t participate in our hot lunch program.

Celebrating birthdays this month are Dane, Edrice, Kendra, Amelia E., Holly, Andrew, Daniyal, Olivia, Kennedy, Maverick, and Isabella. We hope everyone has a fun time celebrating!

Thank you to Laurel and Adam Elmore for donating Minion bandaids. They’re perfect for distracting children from their “owies” and are a nice addition to our first aid kits!

We will be closed November 24 and 25 for the Thanksgiving holiday. Please let the front office know if your child will be absent during Thanksgiving week. We would like to know by Friday, November 11th. Thank you!

Artie Moreno (Hazel’s dad) came to our rescue recently after the tiles on our pillars were damaged by trespassing skateboarders. Artie not only repaired the tiles (which he initially installed) but he also made a huge effort installing brackets on the railings to prevent future damage. We love you, Artie!

We are grateful to Sheva and Brandon Fiege for generously donating Halloween art activities (a BIG order from Oriental Trading). The children enjoyed making their spook-tacular creations! We sincerely appreciated the thoughtful donations from parents for our Halloween festivities. Everything on our wish lists was provided which made our event fun and memorable. Thank you to everyone who participated!

The youth ballet company, Ballet Etudes, from the Huntington Academy of Dance will be at school on Monday, November 14, at 10:30am. There will be a small demonstration of The Nutcracker for the entire school. We’ll send home brochures about their upcoming performances in HB. This is always a special event!

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