Patti's Preschool Newsletter, October 2022
Our October themes are Our Five Senses and Halloween. The children will be learning about sight, smell, sound, taste, and touch. They will be making texture collages, tasting different foods, going on observation walks, and learning new songs about listening. We will also be planning lots of fun Halloween projects like carving pumpkins and making pumpkin seed pictures.
Scholastic book orders are due Friday, October 7. You may order online using our class code GW3RF. Your book purchases help us add free books to our school library.
Celebrating birthdays this month are Riley, Lilian, Ella, Enzo P., Jenna, Sophie, and Selvyn. We hope everyone enjoys their special day!
Patti’s Preschool will participate in the Great California ShakeOut on October 19 at 11:00am. We are joining millions of Californians in the state’s largest earthquake drill ever! We are practicing “Drop, Cover, and Hold On” with all our students before the big day.
We can’t wait to watch the Hilarious Halloween Haunt, a marionette show performed by the amazing Franklin Haynes Marionettes. This “spook-tacular” (but kid-friendly) event will be on Thursday, October 20, at 10:00am.
We are delighted with our new play kitchen donated by Laura and Weston Zellmer. It’s a wonderful addition to our pretend play area on the playground. Everyone (children and staff) enjoyed the popsicles provided by Jamie and Kenny Santana. They cooled us off on a hot day! We are extremely grateful to Artie Moreno for repairing the tile on our entry pillars. He made it look as good as new! We have awesome parents!
Our annual Halloween party will be on Monday, October 31, from 9:00-11:30am.. We will have many fun activities in the classrooms and on the playground and the children may wear costumes. If your child doesn’t normally attend school on Monday, please feel free to bring him/her. We will need you to stay during the party so we can comply with the state mandated teacher-children ratio. Your child’s teacher will notify you on Class Dojo to let you know what time to come to school. Since this is a school-wide event, we are unable to allow siblings or other relatives. If you’d like to send something for your child’s classmates, we recommend a goody bag with stickers, small toys, pencils or crayons, and wrapped candy (please make sure the candy does not contain nuts.) We can also use some items for our party and would appreciate any donations. Wish lists will be posted on ClassDojo.
If bedtime in your home is filled with noise and drama provided by a little person living with you, I’d like to recommend story time podcasts. Little Stories for Tiny People is something for young and old alike. Little Bedtime Stories is another one that is sure to put your little tyke to sleep. I also like Be Calm on Ahway Island because it begins with a guided meditation along with a positive message (something we can all use these days!). And please try Stories Podcast/A Children’s Story Podcast for Bedtime. You and your child will be hooked by the new story told every week. The stories range from retellings of fairy tales like Snow White to classic stories like Peter Rabbit. Trust me, bed time will be much calmer after you turn on the podcast.
We are grateful to all of our parents for supporting the early school closure on Friday, September 30. The entire staff is looking forward to a fun evening out! Thank you, parents!