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Patti's Preschool Newsletter, September 2021

Our theme this month is Getting Acquainted and Self Esteem. We will be talking about our families, our friends and our school. Sharing, cooperation, and expressing our feelings will also be emphasized this month. We will review school rules to give everyone a fresh start this month. September is a great month for making new friends!

Scholastic book order forms are attached to the newsletter. If you’d like to order books for your child, please fill out the order form and return it to school by Friday morning, September 10. Please make your check payable to Patti’s Preschool. One check is sufficient for multiple orders. We also accept cash or credit cards for book orders. You can also order online using our class code GW3RF! See front office staff for more information. We appreciate your book orders as we are able to add free books to our school library with each order!

We’re having School Spirit Days this month (check our calendar). Your child may wear a preschool t-shirt that day. If you’d like to purchase a shirt, they are available at the front desk for $10.00 each.

Images 4 Kids will be here to take school photos on September 20 and 21 in the morning. You will be able to purchase individual photos along with a classroom photo montage. We will let you know in advance which day your child will be photographed. Please take a look at their website –

We’d like to welcome a new staff member to our team! Katherine Oviedo will be joining our Stepping Up class as a co-teacher alongside Ms. Sandy. She has had experience developing curriculum for Pre-K and has tutored small pods of preschool students. Welcome, Ms. Katherine!

Three of our staff members are celebrating their anniversaries this month! Congratulations and thank you to Rubi Ruiz (1 year), Annie De’Nicola (32 years), Pam Taylor (29 years). Please remember to thank and congratulate our dedicated staff!

Celebrating birthdays this month are, CJ, Goldie, Jackson, Serena, Mila, Hudson J.,, Lucas, Simone, and River P. Five staff members Ms. Sue, Ms. Rubi, Ms. Amber, Ms. Pam, and Ms. Rowana are also having birthdays in September. We hope everyone has a memorable birthday!

Parents! Take a look at Dr. Siggie, therapist and parenting expert, on Instagram. She offers great conversational tips for helping children prepare for back-to-school or make the change to a new classroom. September is the start of the new school year and some children will struggle with drop-off. Dr. Siggie recommends making it a positive experience. “You might cry and miss me when we say goodbye. It’s ok to cry and to miss me. I will miss you too… because we love each other. And that’s a good thing.”

Thank you to the McClurg family for donating a case of water, and to the Wilton family for the craft supplies. We are grateful to Anna Zhuravleva and Mila Sosova for the kitchen playset. Anna and Mila also donated hats and bandannas to Room 6 for Western Day. Also, a big thank you to the Bennett family for the various toys. We have the most generous families!


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